A Letter From Health Care Leaders to The U.S Government

Here at GrantNews, we care about all of our subscribers and we know that during this time of utter chaos all around the world people are panicking. So, we are working hard to bring you resources that we have located to ensure that you are able to access relevant information, especially as we learn more about the situation on the ground.

Health care - Wash your hands

Currently, as the situation stands, COVID-19 is spreading all throughout the world, with Italy’s death toll continuing to increase, and the Italian government’s lockdown of the entire country has been expanded. COVID-19 Cases in China seem to have decreased, and the entire world is ramping up to meet the demand this virus has caused. A massive need for respirators, masks for medical professionals, especially here in the U.S in currently being addressed. New York City, specifically has been trying to locate enough respirators as more residents are testing positive. Obviously more needs to be done, and the private sector seems to be getting majorly involved as the government is figuring out how to tackle the surge of COVID-19.

In news today: multiple health care leaders have reached out to members the U.S government, specifically Vice President Mike Pence, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, Speaker of The House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi, and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer in reference to the crisis.

The letter addresses the immediate needs that the medical community needs to be able to address this crisis properly, as well a commitment from these organizations to work together with local and state government to ensure that patients are receiving adequate care and to battle the crisis to the extent that it needs to be addressed.

The letter speakers to three major points:

  1. Addressing the need for continuous medical supplies to be available to medical professionals in all relevant settings. This includes clinical labs, technicians, health care providers, and health care facilities.
  2. The need to strengthen provider capacity and ensure that patients are sent to appropriate alternative sites of care.
  3. Ensuring proper access to needed medications, and avoid any disruptions in supply-chain.

Read the full article here.

These health care leaders include representatives from:

America’s Health Insurance Plans
American Academy of Family Physicians
American Clinical Laboratory Association
American Hospital Association
American Medical Association
American Nurses Association
Association for Accessible Medicines
Association of American Medical Colleges
Blue Cross Blue Shield Association
Catholic Health Association of the United States
Children’s Hospital Association
Federation of American Hospitals
Healthcare Distribution Alliance
Healthcare Distribution Alliance
Partnership for Quality Home Healthcare
Pharmaceutical Care Management Association
Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America

What are health care providers doing to help?

According to America’s Health Insurance Plans (AHIP), Health insurance providers are devoting

resources, insights, and abilities to collaborate with key partners to confront and resolve this challenge. Working together with federal, state and community leaders; clinicians; pharmacies; drug makers; medical equipment providers; and other essential partners, we are confident that we can collectively overcome this challenge and keep the American people safe and healthy.

Read more about the actions Health insurance providers are taking to help prevent the spread of the coronavirus strain COVID-19.

Libby Hikind

Libby Hikind is the founder and CEO of GrantWatch.com and the author of "The Queen of Grants: From Teacher to Grant Writer to CEO". Libby Hikind, began her grant writing career while working as a teacher in the New York City Department of Education. She wrote many grants for her classroom before raising millions for a Brooklyn school district. Throughout her professional career, she established her own grant writing agency in Staten Island with a fax newsletter for her clients of available grants. After retiring from teaching, Libby embraced the new technology and started GrantWatch. She then moved GrantWatch and her grant writing agency to Florida to enjoy her parents later years, and the rest is history. Today more than 230,000 people visit GrantWatch.com online, monthly.

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