Happy Holidays from Us to You!

To honor the holidays, I want to take a moment and thank everyone who has helped GrantWatch grow throughout the last 13 years. Your commitment to finding grants to use for the greater good is what drives GrantWatch.com. It is you, our subscribers who motivate me and my staff to wake up each morning to search and present the grants to you in the best possible format. We love your suggestions and we hear you.

We are living in the most troubled times, and this holiday season I feel the need to acknowledge my fears and insecurities. Sharing what frightens us and giving voice to our concerns, gives us strength.

With all our combined faiths and beliefs, we share some profound truths.  For example, we know that pure goodness and pure evil are present in the world. Perhaps evil exists to challenge us, to unite us, and to make us stronger in our fight for the good in ourselves and our communities. There is a circle of charitable acts. It’s the giving and helping that begins with your own family, our extended family, our local community, our larger global community, our established boundaries, and our friends and allies in the world.

Let’s keep our eyes open and learn from past history and judge fairly as we want to be judged, for our accomplishments, contributions to society, good deeds, and positive actions. We won’t let words, platitudes, and hype lead us astray.

I see all of you, our subscribers, as angels of good. You give more than 110% to your organizations in your quest for new funding to run much-needed quality programs.

Let’s stay positive, take time to breathe, rejuvenate this holiday season, and start again in 2024 with revitalized fresh determination.

Some of you will be on vacation, while for others, your much-needed rest will come after the holidays because it’s your busiest time, working night and day for those in need.

GrantWatch will close only our customer service department on Christmas Day and New Year’s Day, to thank our wonderful staff for their hard work and commitment to our subscribers throughout the year.

However, GrantWatch.com will be accessible to you with new grants posted daily for your 2024 funding needs.

So, let this weekend be about gratitude for our lives, our health, and our families. Keep smiling, stay healthy, and know that you are loved!

Happy holidays to all! To read Libby Hikind’s most recent Chanukah letter, visit this link.

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