Tragedies Come When Least Expected, The Unfortunate Boat Fire Off the Coast of California

Tragedies come, and they go. They don’t follow a set schedule. They don’t send us a warning to help us prepare in advance. They just come, interfere with our lives, and at times make us feel like we will never experience good again. Recently, an unfortunate boat fire off the coast of California occurred, when a boat full of scuba divers caught fire, killing 34 people. These people all being the family, friends, and loved ones of someone. Hence, another tragedy has struck.

Unfortunately, making a bad situation worse, this recreational scuba diving cruise caught fire while most of its passengers were sleeping on the lower deck of the ship. Therefore, there was no chance of escape for these helpless passengers. There were thirty-three passengers and six crew members aboard the vessel. Unfortunately, only five of the crew members were able to make their way to safety after the flames broke out. The five survivors were sleeping on the top deck of the ship, allowing them to jump to safety when a small boat came to their rescue.

All the passengers of this vessel boarded with excitement in anticipation of the good times that would be had on their recreational scuba diving trip. Unfortunately, though, most of the passengers were not able to return from their trip. When tragedy strikes, we have no control over the outcome. We must keep living our lives, taking it one step at a time to make it out of what has the potential to feel like a deep valley of despair. Never give up, always look up, and always keep moving forward because, while it may seem impossible, the light will shine again. 

Have you experienced a tragedy? Do you, your family, or your friends need financial support? Whether it’s this unfortunate boat fire off the coast of California or any other tragedy. Even amid our hardest times, there can be hope. People will come together, build each other up, and help in any way they feel they can. If you have undergone a tragedy or experienced a trial, GrantWatch is an ideal platforms to utilize when taking the next step in the process of overcoming your adversities.

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