10 Grants We Love This Valentine’s Day
Is your nonprofit sharing the love this Valentine’s Day? Well, a lot of funding sources certainly are! With close to 8,000 grants for nonprofits, individuals, and small businesses currently accepting applications, now could be the perfect time for your organization to apply for funding!
In celebration of Valentine’s Day, GrantWatch is sharing 10 grants that we love — and we hope you will love these grants too! If you are looking for another way to show love today, think about donating to a fundraiser to help support a worthy cause or buy your organization a subscription to GrantWatch.

1. Nonprofits
Grants of up to $20,000 are available to nonprofit organizations for community benefit programs and projects. This funding will support hospitals and schools; museums, performing arts and cultural programs; skills training, education, and other programming for seniors, youth, and people with disabilities; environmental and wildlife protection activities; and other programs that address community needs.
2. Students
Grants of up to $1,000 are open to students ages 18 and under for service projects to benefit their local community. As a result, funding will be used to support a variety of creative projects, such as playgrounds, nature trails, animal shelters, school and community gardens, facemask donations, programs for seniors, and more.
3. Children
In addition, there are grants of up to $50,000 to nonprofits for programs that benefit children and the communities in which they live, thereby providing funding to support programs and projects that address the needs of vulnerable children, ensuring their safety, care and education.
4. Teachers
Grants of up to $1,000 are also available to K-5 teachers at public and nonprofit private schools for creative educational programming. Therein funding will help increase student success rates in science, technology, engineering and math by introducing original project-based learning concepts.
5. Sports and Recreation
There are also grants available to eligible youth athletic organizations to enhance sport programs and experiences for youth in need. For that reason, priority will go to low-income applicants.
6. Business
Grants of $2,500 and in-kind services are also offered to individual entrepreneurs to start or expand their business. As a result, funding can support business start-ups or growth-related expenses.
7. Technology
Additionally, grants are available to nonprofit and public rural healthcare providers to improve and upgrade communications technology. Subsequently, this funding will support healthcare service providers and make it possible for them to offer quality medical care through increased connectivity.
8. Mental Health
Funding of up to $30,000 is also available to nonprofit organizations, including schools and agencies, for educational research, programs and services. These funds will help improve students’ mental health and well-being.
9. Art and Culture
Additionally, individual artists can apply for grants for creative art projects. However, priority will go to applicants addressing topics and subject matter vital in helping underserved and other marginalized audiences.
10. Environment
Lastly, grants of $3,500 are offered to organizations, individuals or groups to undertake environmental stewardship initiatives. Eligible activities include, but are not limited to, litter prevention, park beautification events, trail building and restoration projects, earth study missions, sustainable land management activities, community environmental education projects and other youth educational engagement.
GrantNews Notes
Finally, be sure to sign up for a paid subscription to GrantWatch in order to get full access to our site. This includes access to the exact-keyword search tool, as well as the full eligibility and application information for close to 8,000 grants. Happy Valentine’s Day!